3ds Max HLSL Shaders (2005-2006)
Curved Relief Mapping
This implementation of Fabio Policarpo's Curved Relief Mapping uses a modified version of the CG shader he developed. Like standard relief mapping, but uses a per vertex quadric curvature approximation to "wrap" the height map along the object's profile. This per vertex curvature approximation is calculated via maxscript in a preprocessing step.
Relief Map Blending
Normal map and Relief Maps are blended in this shader. Depth, Diffuse, Specular and Normal maps are modulated based on a vertex data channel values which allows interactive viewport experimentation. Note the convincing irregularities that occur when the vertex channel has partial opactiy.
Shader Based Physical Fur
HLSL implementation of hair/grass using the "concentric spheres" technique. This version expects a per vertex force component to be passed into the shader via vertex data channels. In a separate max script, I calculate per vertex velocity, acceleration, and a compression factor which each have their own contribution weighting. The results of the calculation are baked into the vertex data channels per frame. Alternate Video.